
Ux Design

Choose a specialist in Ui/Ux Design since 2009. UX is the science ofuser experience. More than 7 out of 10 Internet users will not return to a website. website if their first experience with it was a bad one. And for all website or mobile applicationThis means less sales, both in terms of product sales and advertising.

UI Design, or User Interface Design, is the process of designing the interactive interfaces of a digital product. It involves the visual presentation and layout of elements on a web page, mobile application or any other type of digital platform.

UI Design objectives

The main aim of UI Design is to make user interaction with the product as simple and effective as possible. This means presenting information in a clear, structured way, facilitating navigation and guiding the user through the user journey.

Importance of UI Design

UI Design is essential to creating a satisfying user experience. A good UI can increase user engagement, improve satisfaction and ultimately contribute to a product's success. What's more, a well-designed interface can reduce user errors and meet user expectations.

Improving the user experience is a matter for specialists, and DualMedia© has been an expert in mobile applications since 2009, with over 50 projects completed with excellent results!

5 steps to architectural design UX design

1. Define your UX design strategy

To begin with, this involves a great deal of research and user insightstheir needs, their motivations.

2. Identify all needs

Then understand who we want to reach, and how to reach them. This means defining the resources needed to objectives.

3. Designing a structure

We'll be working on arobrescence, on structure, defining the interface layout, the sequence of screens with initial simple mockups, and what the user will see on his or her user journey.

4. Designate the first schematics

Finally, we'll have to draw the wireframeswhich are simplified mock-ups, to highlight the placement of the blocks that make up the interface.

5. Creating the graphics layer

Once the previous stages have been validated, the designer steps in to harmonize the wireframes provided by the UX designer.

If we look at a web or mobile project as a whole, as shown in the diagram below, we can see that user experience and interface design are very closely linked!


We'll explain the importance of UI design in improving the user experience and its impact on the overall success of your product or service. You'll also learn the main principles of UI design and how to apply them effectively to make your website or application more attractive and easier to use.

The basic principles of UI Design


Consistency is the key to successful user interface design. It enables users to quickly understand how to use the interface, by providing them with consistent visual and functional cues throughout their journey.

Visual hierarchy

Visual hierarchy helps guide the user's attention to the most important information. This can be achieved through the size, color, contrast and placement of elements on the page.


Simplicity is one of the most important principles in UI Design. A simple, clear interface makes it easier for the user to understand and use.


Contrast enhances legibility and draws attention to specific elements. It can be used to differentiate interaction elements from other elements on the page.


Legibility is essential to enable the user to quickly understand the information presented. It depends on text size and font, as well as contrast with the background.


A user interface must be user-friendly, i.e. easy to use and understand. This implies intuitive design, simple interaction and clear navigation.


Accessibility is a crucial aspect of UI Design. It ensures that the interface can be used by all users, regardless of their abilities.

Best practices in UI Design

User research

User research is the first step in understanding the needs and expectations of your target audience. It provides valuable information for interface design.


Storytelling can be used in UI Design to engage the user and create a more personal and memorable experience.


Wireframing is a key step in defining the structure and layout of the interface.


Prototyping enables an interactive version of the interface to be tested before the development real. It can help identify problems and get early feedback on user experience.

User testing

User testing is crucial for validating interface design. It enables us to obtain direct feedback from users and rectify errors before launching the product.

Grid system

Using a grid system can help organize elements on the page and create a harmonious layout.

Color management

Color plays an important role in the user interface. It can create a mood, guide the user's attention and convey information.

Font management

The choice of fonts can have a significant impact on the readability and overall look of the interface.

Button creation

Buttons are key elements of the user interface. They must be clearly visible, easily identifiable and clearly indicate their function.

Icon creation

Icons can help make the interface more intuitive and simplify navigation. They should be simple, recognizable and consistent throughout the system.

UI Design tools


Photoshop is widely used in UI Design for creating and editing graphic elements.


Illustrator is the tool of choice for creating logos, icons and vector graphics.


Sketch is a popular interface design application offering a wide variety of tools and features.


Figma is a collaborative platform for interface design, enabling wireframing, prototyping and design sharing.


InVision is a prototyping tool for creating interactive user interface models.

Adobe XD

Adobe XD is an interface design tool that provides wireframing, prototyping and collaboration.


Marvel is a design and prototyping platform for creating interactive models.

Origami Studio

Origami Studio is an interface design tool created by Facebook, offering interactive prototyping and animation capabilities.

Current trends in UI Design


Minimalism is a major trend in UI design. It focuses on simplifying the interface and highlighting the essentials.

Flat design

Flat design is a style characterized by its use of simple shapes, bright colors and clear typography.

Material design

Material design is a style guide created by Google. It draws inspiration from the physical world and its textures to create a more intuitive interface.

Motion design

Motion design uses animation to enhance the user experience and make the interface more dynamic.


Micro-interactions are small animations that respond to the user's action and help them understand the system.

Using illustrations

Illustration is increasingly used in UI Design to create a more personal and expressive experience.

Dark mode

Dark mode is an increasingly popular feature. It offers a gentler alternative for the eyes in low-light conditions.

Responsive design

Responsive design is a necessity in the age of multi-devices. It ensures that the interface works well on all types of screen.

User-centered design

User-centered design is an approach that focuses on the user's needs and expectations throughout the design process.

Voice user interface (VUI)

VUI is an emerging trend that allows the user to interact with the system by voice.

Common UI design problems

Lack of coherence

A lack of consistency can make the interface confusing and difficult to use.

Poor visual hierarchy

A poor visual hierarchy can make information difficult to understand and follow.

Information overload

Information overload can confuse users and slow down their interaction with the system.

Navigation difficulties

Complex or poorly designed navigation can frustrate users and prevent them from achieving their objectives.

Lack of user feedback

The absence of feedback can leave the user uncertain and lose confidence in the system.

Accessibility problems

If the interface isn't accessible to all users, it excludes part of your target audience.

Performance problems

If the interface is slow or has bugs, it can discourage the user and detract from the user experience.

Incompatibility with different screen resolutions

If the interface is not adapted to different screen resolutions, it may be difficult to use on certain devices.

Use of unsuitable colors

Poorly chosen colors can make the interface difficult to read or understand.

Text legibility problems

Poorly legible text can make information difficult to understand and detract from the user experience.

Our UI Design process steps

Understanding project needs and objectives

The first step in the UI Design process is to understand the project's needs and objectives. This involves working closely with project stakeholders to clearly define expectations.

Designing information architecture

Information architecture involves planning the structure and organization of interface content. This is a crucial step for intuitive and efficient navigation.

Create wireframes

Wireframes are basic diagrams that define the layout of elements on the page. They serve as a guide for interface design.

Designing models

Mock-ups are more detailed versions of the interface that include visual elements such as colors, typography and images.

Prototype interactions

Prototypes are interactive versions of the interface that allow the user experience to be tested before actual development.

Testing prototypes with users

User testing is essential for obtaining feedback on the interface and identifying potential problems.

Refine and iterate the design

After user testing, the interface design is refined and iterated until it meets the user's needs and expectations.

Prepare files ready for development

Once the design is finalized, the files are prepared for development. This usually involves working with the development team to ensure a smooth transition.

Collaborate with the development team

Collaboration with the development team is essential throughout the UI Design process. It ensures that the design can be implemented efficiently and in line with expectations.

The role of the UI Designer

User interface design

The main role of the UI Designer is to design the user interface. This involves planning the structure, creating visual elements and defining interactions.

Creating graphic elements

The UI Designer is responsible for creating the graphical elements of the interface, such as icons, buttons and images.

Color and font selection

The UI Designer chooses the colors and fonts to be used in the interface to create a coherent, attractive appearance.

Optimizing the user experience

The UI Designer also works to optimize the user experience. This means making the interface easy to use and understand.

Collaboration with the development team

The UI Designer works closely with the development team to ensure that the design can be implemented correctly.

Monitoring the latest trends and best practices

The UI Designer follows the latest trends and best practices in UI Design to stay up to date and continue creating attractive, effective interfaces.

The difference between UI Design and UX Design

Definition of UX Design

UX Design, or User Experience Design, is the process of designing products that deliver a meaningful and relevant user experience.

Differences between UI and UX Design

Although these two disciplines are closely related, they have different objectives and approaches. UI Design focuses on the visual aspect and interaction of the interface, while UX Design concentrates on the overall user experience with the product.

Importance of collaboration between the two fields

Collaboration between UI and UX Designers is essential to create an effective user experience. The two disciplines must work together to ensure that the interface is not only attractive, but also easy to use and meets the user's expectations.

The complementary nature of UI and UX Design

UI and UX Design are complementary. A good UX requires an effective and attractive UI, while a good UI requires a thorough understanding of the user's needs and expectations, which is the heart of UX Design.



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