
The best tools for creating your mobile application mock-up

The best tools for creating your mobile application mockup. Discover Adobe XD, Sketch, FigmaInVision Studio, Marvel, Proto.io, Origami Studio, Principle, Axure RP and ProtoPie.

In this article, we'll introduce you to the best tools available for creating your mobile app mockup. Whether you're a design professional or a passionate developer, it's essential to have the right tools at your disposal to turn your ideas into a functional and attractive mock-up. We'll explore a variety of tools, from traditional wireframing software to new online applications and options for advanced users. Whatever your needs and level of expertise, we've selected the most powerful tools to help you create a professional and successful mobile app mockup.

Adobe XD

Ease of use

Adobe XD is a user interface design and prototyping tool that is exceptionally easy to use, even for beginners. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and quickly find the functionality you need. Drag-and-drop and duplication options simplify the design process, saving time and optimizing team productivity.

Prototyping features

With Adobe XD, you can create interactive prototypes that allow you to visualize and test the user experience of your mobile application. You can add interactive links between different pages, screen transitions and even animations to bring your design to life. This advanced prototyping functionality is essential for testing and validating your ideas before moving on to the production phase. development.

Integration with other Adobe tools

Adobe XD is also distinguished by its seamless integration with other tools in the Adobe suite, such as Photoshop and Illustrator. This allows designers to easily import graphic elements and manipulate them directly in XD. What's more, prototypes created in XD can be shared with other team members via Adobe Creative Cloud, making it easier for them to work together. collaboration and improves workflow efficiency.


Simple, intuitive interface

Sketch is a user interface design tool that is highly appreciated for its simple, intuitive interface. Sketch's clear structure and well-organized functionalities enable the team to work smoothly and efficiently. It's easy to create and modify graphic elements, define reusable styles and set up grids to align the elements of your layout.

Advanced design features

Sketch also offers advanced design features that enable you to create highly customized mobile application mock-ups. You can add special effects, drop shadows, gradients and much more to add style to your design. What's more, Sketch offers a library of predefined icons and components that can be easily customized and reused in your mock-ups.

Plugins for additional customization

Another advantage of Sketch is its community of developers active, which offers a wide range of plugins to further personalize your design experience. These plugins allow you to add new features, integrate third-party services and automate specific tasks, optimizing your workflow and saving time.


Real-time collaboration

Figma is a tool for web-based user interface design which stands out for its real-time collaboration functionality. Several members of a team can work simultaneously on the same project, making it easier for them to work together. coordination to avoid version conflicts. Modifications are displayed in real time, so you can keep track of what's been changed.evolution and facilitate communication between team members.

Web-based interface

Thanks to its web-based interface, Figma offers great flexibility in terms of access and compatibility. Users can access their projects from any browser and use Figma on different operating systems, facilitating remote collaboration and sharing with customers or external stakeholders. What's more, Figma makes it easy to export mock-ups in PDFPNG or SVG for presentation or integration in other tools.

Sharing and commenting options

Figma also offers sharing and commenting options to facilitate collaboration and feedback gathering. You can share a link to your project with collaborators or customers, who can then view and comment directly on the model. These comments are centralized and visible to all team members, facilitating communication and decision-making.

InVision Studio

Creation of interactive prototypes

InVision Studio is a design tool that focuses on the creation of interactive prototypes for mobile applications. It offers a full range of features for designing transitions, animations and complex interactions between the different pages of your mock-up. This ability to create advanced interactive prototypes is essential for testing the ergonomics of your mobile application and get valuable feedback from users.

Components can be animated

One of InVision Studio's key features is its ability to animate individual components of your design. You can create custom animations for buttons, drop-down menus, icons and any other interactive element in your layout. This ability to animate components is extremely useful for simulating the real-world behavior of your application, and for visualizing the way it works.user experience more realistically.

Workflow management

InVision Studio also offers workflow management features to facilitate team collaboration. You can create dashboards to organize your projects, manage versions, share resources and collect feedback from collaborators. This integrated workflow management helps optimize productivity and maintain a smooth, efficient design process.


Library of reusable components

Marvel is a user interface design tool that emphasizes component reusability. You can create a library of customized components, such as buttons, menus and forms, and easily reuse them in your layouts. This feature saves time and ensures visual consistency throughout the design process.

Rapid prototyping

Marvel also lets you quickly create interactive prototypes for your mobile applications. You can add links between different pages, screen transitions and interactions to simulate the user experience. The simplicity of Marvel's interface makes it easy to create prototypes quickly and efficiently, enabling you to quickly test different ideas and concepts.

Integration with other design tools

Marvel offers tight integration with other popular design tools, such as Sketch and Photoshop. You can easily import files from these tools into Marvel, allowing you to work with your existing designs and refine them further in Marvel's prototyping environment. This integration with other tools facilitates workflow and optimizes productivity.


Visual and interactive editing of prototypes

Proto.io is a user interface design tool distinguished by its ability to edit prototypes visually and interactively. You can add complex interactions, such as gestures, animations and transitions, directly into your design. This visual and interactive editing of prototypes enables realistic user experience testing and valuable feedback.

User experience testing

Proto.io also offers user experience testing capabilities, enabling you to collect feedback and measurements on the usability of your mobile application. You can share your prototype with target users, allowing them to explore your application and gather detailed feedback on their experience. These user experience tests allow you to validate and improve the design according to users' needs and expectations.

Integration with collaboration services

Proto.io offers integration with popular collaboration services, such as Slack and Jira, making it easy to share and communicate with team members. You can share prototypes, collect feedback and collaborate in real time with colleagues, optimizing workflow and maintaining effective communication throughout the design process.

Origami Studio

Creation of rich, interactive interfaces

Origami Studio is a user interface design tool developed by Facebook that stands out for its ability to create rich, interactive interfaces. You can add animations, complex transitions and customized interactions to simulate the user experience of your mobile application. This ability to create rich, interactive interfaces is ideal for mobile applications that require an immersive, engaging user experience.

Advanced element animation

Origami Studio offers advanced animation features that let you bring your designs to life. You can animate each element of your interface individually, controlling speed, duration and transition effects to create fluid, realistic animations. This ability to animate elements in an advanced way gives your model a professional, dynamic appearance.

Export to mobile applications

Origami Studio lets you export your mock-ups directly to mobile applications, allowing you to test and visualize your design on real devices. You can export your mock-up as an iOS or Android app and install it on your device to see how it performs in real-life situations. This mobile app export functionality is essential for validating the user experience and getting accurate feedback.


Smooth animation of interactions

Principle is a prototyping tool that focuses on smoothly animated interactions. You can add transitions and custom animations to your designs to simulate the user experience. Animations in Principle are fluid and responsive, creating a realistic and engaging user experience.

Create custom transitions and effects

Principle offers great flexibility when it comes to creating custom transitions and effects. You can experiment with different animation options, speeds, directions and styles to create unique interactions for your mobile application. This customization of transitions and effects allows you to create unique and memorable prototypes.

Export to interactive prototypes

Principle lets you export your designs as interactive prototypes that can be shared and tested on mobile devices. You can export your prototype in HTML format, enabling you to view and experiment with it on different devices and browsers. This ability to export to interactive prototypes is essential for validating the user experience and obtaining accurate feedback.

Axure RP

Creation of interactive mobile application mock-ups

Axure RP is a prototyping tool that focuses on the creation of interactive mobile application mock-ups. You can create functional prototypes that simulate the user experience of your mobile application. Axure RP offers advanced features for adding interactions, animations, transitions and behaviors to your model elements.

Project documentation management

Axure RP also offers project documentation management features to keep track of all design decisions and elements. You can add notes, comments and annotations to your mock-ups to document functionality and technical specifications. This integrated documentation management facilitates collaboration with developers and stakeholders, and avoids miscommunication.

Sharing and commenting online

Axure RP makes it easy to share your prototypes with team members or customers for comments and feedback. You can generate a link to your prototype, send it by e-mail or embed it in a web page. User comments can be added directly to the prototype, facilitating communication and decision-making.


Code-free interactive prototyping

ProtoPie is a prototyping tool that stands out for its ability to create interactive prototypes without code. You can add complex interactions, animations and gestures to your model without having to write a single line of code. This feature facilitates and accelerates the prototyping process, enabling you to quickly test different ideas and concepts.

Managing complex interactions

ProtoPie offers advanced features for managing complex interactions between the various elements of your model. You can create action sequences, add conditions and loops, and simulate the actual behavior of your mobile application. This management of complex interactions enables you to create detailed, realistic prototypes that accurately simulate the user experience.

Integration with collaboration services

ProtoPie offers integration with popular collaboration services, such as Slack and TrelloThis facilitates communication and collaboration within the team. You can share your prototype with collaborators, collect feedback and collaborate directly within the context of your model. This integration with collaboration services helps to optimize workflow and maintain effective communication throughout the design process.