
Mypeopledoc with DualMedia: your digital safe for administrative documents

Mypeopledoc with DualMedia: your digital document safe - Simplify the management, protection and organization of your administrative documents with Mypeopledoc. Store and easily access all your documents in a single, secure location.

Have you ever found it difficult to organize and protect your important administrative documents? Mypopledoc is here to simplify your life. This secure digital safe lets you store all your administrative documents in one place, making them easily accessible at all times. No more worries about losing important documents or endlessly searching through piles of paperwork. With Mypeopledoc, you can now manage your administrative documents efficiently and securely.

What is Mypeopledoc?

Mypeopledoc is a platform Mypeopledoc is an online document management system that enables you to store, manage and organize all your administrative documents securely and accessibly at any time. Whether you're an individual or a company, Mypeopledoc with DualMedia offers you a digital safe to centralize all your important documents.

Mypeopledoc features

Mypeopledoc offers a host of features to help you manage your administrative documents. These include the ability to import your documents from different sources, such as your computer, your phone or your e-mail inbox. Once imported, you can organize your documents in customized folders and easily find them using a search engine powerful.

Benefits of using Mypeopledoc

Using Mypeopledoc with DualMedia offers a number of advantages benefits. First of all, it puts an end to paperwork by offering you a virtual storage space for all your administrative documents. You won't waste any more time searching for your documents, as you can access them from any Internet-connected device. What's more, the security and confidentiality of your information are guaranteed by the security systems in place. Using Mypeopledoc also simplifies your administrative procedures by digitizing your proof of address, identity documents and much more.

How does Mypeopledoc work?

Create a Mypeopledoc account

To start using Mypeopledoc, simply create an account on the platform. You'll be asked to provide a few personal details, such as your first and last name, e-mail address, and a password. choose a secure password to protect your account. Once your account has been created, you can start importing your documents.

Document import

Mypeopledoc offers different ways of importing your documents. You can add them directly from your computer by selecting them from your files, or import them from your cell phone using the Mypeopledoc mobile application. You can also synchronize your e-mail inbox with Mypeopledoc to automatically retrieve e-mail attachments.

Document organization

Once your documents have been imported, you can organize them in customized folders for easier retrieval at a later date. You can create as many folders as you like, and rename them as required. What's more, you can add tags to your documents for a more precise search.

Document sharing

Mypeopledoc with DualMedia also lets you share your documents with other platform users. You can choose to share a document in read-only mode, allowing other users only to view the document, or giving certain users editing rights. This feature is very useful for collaborating with partners or colleagues on common documents.

Document security on Mypeopledoc

Safety systems in place

Mypeopledoc attaches great importance to the security of documents stored on the platform. To guarantee this security, data encryption systems are in place. Imported documents are encrypted and therefore unreadable by any unauthorized individual. In addition, Mypeopledoc's servers are equipped with firewalls and protected by intrusion detection systems to prevent any hacking attempt.

Data confidentiality

With regard to data confidentiality, Mypeopledoc complies with current standards and ensures the protection of your personal information. Your data will never be used for commercial purposes and will not be accessible to third parties without your consent. What's more, you have the option of defining access rights to your documents, so you can choose who can view them.

Using Mypeopledoc for personal administrative documents

Mypeopledoc is a tool ideal for managing your personal administrative documents. Here are just a few examples:

Storage of identity documents

Thanks to Mypeopledoc with DualMedia, you can digitize and securely store your identity documents, such as your ID card, passport or driving license. These documents will be available at all times, and you'll avoid the risk of misplacing them.

Invoice and bank statement management

Mypeopledoc lets you centralize your bills and bank statements in one place. No more piles of paper to sort through! You can easily find all your invoices and consult them whenever you need them.

Safeguarding contracts and warranties

Never lose your important contracts and product warranties again. With Mypeopledoc, you can save them in your digital safe and access them at the click of a button. You'll have an overview of your contractual commitments, and can consult the details of your warranties whenever you need to.

Digitization of proof of address

To simplify your administrative procedures, Mypeopledoc lets you digitize your proof of address, such as your water, electricity or telephone bills. You'll be able to find them easily, and share them with the organizations or service providers who request them.

Using Mypeopledoc for professional administrative documents

Storage of contracts and quotes

For professionals, Mypeopledoc with DualMedia lets you store and organize contracts and quotations relating to your business. You can classify them by customer or project, and find them again easily when you need them. This not only makes it easier to manage your documents, but also to keep track of your contractual commitments.

Invoice and purchase order management

Mypeopledoc lets you centralize and organize your invoices and purchase orders. You can add additional information, such as due dates or amounts, to better monitor and control them. You also have access to a history of paid invoices to help you monitor your cash flow.

Organization of customer documents

If you work with several customers, Mypeopledoc lets you organize your documents by customer. You can group all documents relating to a single customer in a dedicated folder. This will enable you to quickly find all the documents you need for each customer, and improve your customer relationship management.

Archiving tax documents

As a professional, you need to keep your tax documents for a certain period of time. Mypeopledoc enables you to store them securely and organize them according to current tax criteria. So you can easily find all your tax documents when you need them for audits or tax returns.

Integration with other services

Synchronization with messaging services

Mypeopledoc integrates with all major e-mail services, such as Gmail and Outlook. This feature enables you to automatically synchronize your e-mails with your Mypeopledoc account. As a result, all documents received as attachments will be imported into your digital safe without you having to add them manually.

Links with administrative service platforms

Mypeopledoc also integrates with other back-office platforms. For example, you can connect your Mypeopledoc account to an online accounting platform to simplify the processing of your invoices and bank statements. This integration makes for smoother management of your administrative documents.

Connection to online service providers

Some online service providers offer direct connections to Mypeopledoc. For example, your electricity or telephone provider can automatically send your bills to your Mypeopledoc account. This saves you having to search for them in your e-mail inbox, and imports them directly into your digital safe.

Pricing and subscription plans

Different subscription plans available

Mypeopledoc offers different subscription plans to suit your needs. You can choose a free plan, which offers limited storage space and basic functionality. For advanced features and unlimited storage space, you can opt for a paid plan. Several options are available to meet the needs of individuals and businesses of all sizes.

Payment options

Mypeopledoc accepts various methods of payment, including credit cards, bank transfers and online payment services. Payments are secure and your payment details are treated as confidential.

Benefits of subscription plans

By opting for a subscription plan, you benefit from a number of advantages. Firstly, you have access to more storage space for your administrative documents. What's more, you can take advantage of advanced features such as synchronization with e-mail services, integrations with other platforms and priority technical support.

Customer support and technical assistance

Customer service available

Mypeopledoc offers you responsive customer service. If you have any questions, problems or need assistance, you can contact them by e-mail, telephone or via the online chat system available on their website. Their team is there to answer your questions and help you use the platform.

Online help resources

In addition to customer service, Mypeopledoc also offers online help resources to help you use the platform. You can consult tutorials and user guides on their website, which will guide you step-by-step through importing, organizing and sharing your documents.

Technical support available

If you're having technical problems, Mypeopledoc's technical support team is here to help. Whether it's a problem importing documents, synchronizing with other platforms or any other technical issue, you can contact their specialized team for a rapid solution.

Future development of Mypeopledoc

Planned improvements

Mypeopledoc plans to continue enhancing its platform to better meet the needs of its users. Planned enhancements include user interface more intuitive, advanced search functions, greater integration with other services and more personalized document organization.

New features

Mypeopledoc also plans to add new features to make use of the platform even more practical and efficient. These include an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) module to make it easier to keyword search in scanned documents and an electronic signature function for electronically signing contracts and administrative documents.

Partnerships and future integrations

With the aim of offering user experience With DualMedia, Mypeopledoc plans to develop even more comprehensive partnerships with other major players in the world of administration and IT. These partnerships will enable us to offer more advanced integrations with other services, and guarantee optimum compatibility between Mypeopledoc and the tools you use every day.


Mypeopledoc with DualMedia is an essential tool for managing your administrative documents. By providing you with a secure digital safe accessible at any time, it simplifies the management, organization and sharing of your personal and professional documents. With its advanced features, enhanced security and responsive customer service, Mypeopledoc is the ideal solution for putting an end to paperwork and saving time on administrative tasks. Don't waste any more time searching for your documents, trust Mypeopledoc to store and retrieve them easily.