
Cypress for end-to-end testing

Using Cypress for end-to-end testing. Find out how it improves software quality and speeds up the development process.

Cypress is an end-to-end testing tool that enables a automation for efficient testing of web applications. With its simple, intuitive syntax, it offers developers a clear way of writing their test scenarios. Its ease of use and speed of execution make it a popular choice among development teams. In this article, we'll explore the use of Cypress for end-to-end testing, highlighting how it can improve software quality and speed up the development process.

Cypress for end-to-end testing

Why use Cypress for end-to-end testing?

End-to-end testing is essential to guarantee the quality of a web application. Cypress is a testing tool that offers numerous benefits to carry out these tests efficiently and reliably.

Benefits of using Cypress

Cypress offers several advantages over other testing tools. Firstly, it offers an integrated approach to end-to-end testing without the need for additional tools. This greatly simplifies the testing process and saves time.

What's more, Cypress is compatible with all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge. This means you can test your application on multiple browsers without having to change test tools.

In addition, Cypress offers a user interface user-friendly and makes it easy to set up tests. The comprehensive documentation and code examples provided by Cypress make learning and using the tool extremely simple.

Browser compatibility

Browser compatibility is an essential aspect of end-to-end testing. With Cypress, you can easily run tests on different browsers without having to modify your test code.

Cypress supports the most commonly used browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge. This ensures that your application works correctly on all popular browsers.

What's more, Cypress offers browser-specific functionality, enabling you to carry out more accurate and realistic tests. For example, you can simulate browser-specific mouse actions to ensure that your application behaves in the same way across all browsers.

Easy to use and install

Ease of use and set-up is another major advantage of Cypress. The tool is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, even for people with no prior experience of automated testing.

Cypress provides an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to create and run tests. You can use the comprehensive documentation and code examples provided by Cypress to quickly learn how to use the tool.

What's more, Cypress offers advanced configuration features that let you easily customize your tests to suit your specific needs. You can define environment variables, configuration options and custom behaviors for your tests.

Finally, Cypress also provides integrated debugging tools that simplify the test troubleshooting process. You can easily record screenshots, view test logs and use other debugging features to quickly identify and resolve problems.

Cypress installation

To start using Cypress, you must first install it on your system. Here's how to install Cypress via npm.


Before installing Cypress, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js version 12 or higher
  • npm (Node.js package manager)

Make sure you also have access to the application you want to test, as you'll need its URL to run the tests.

Installing Cypress via npm

Once you have verified that you have the prerequisites, you can install Cypress by following these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command line window.
  2. Check that you have access to npm by entering the command npm -v.
  3. Create a new directory for your Cypress test project using the command mkdir project-name.
  4. Access the project directory using the command cd project-name.
  5. Initialize a new Node.js project using the command npm init -y. This will create a package.json file in the project directory.
  6. Install Cypress using the command npm install cypress. This command will download and install Cypress in your project.
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Once installation is complete, you can run Cypress using the command npx cypress open. This will open the Cypress interface where you can run your tests.

Cypress configuration

Before running your tests, you'll need to perform a few additional configurations in Cypress. Here's how to configure Cypress:

  1. In your project, open the file cypress.json. If this file doesn't exist, you can create it in the project directory.
  2. In the cypress.json file, you can define several configuration options for Cypress. For example, you can specify the base URL of your application to be tested, using the key "baseUrl.
  3. You can also specify other configuration options such as browsers to be used, environment variables and custom behaviors for your tests. Detailed information on all configuration options can be found in the Cypress documentation.

Once you've set up Cypress, you're ready to write and run your tests.

Writing tests with Cypress

Now that you've installed and configured Cypress, you can start writing your tests. Here's how to create and run tests with Cypress.

Creating test files

In your Cypress project, you can create test files for each feature or scenario you wish to test. You can organize your test files into directories for easy maintenance and test management.

To create a new test file, follow these steps :

  1. Open the Cypress interface using the command npx cypress open.
  2. In the Cypress interface, navigate to the integration. This is the directory where you can place your test files.
  3. Right-click in the integration and select "New File".
  4. Give your test file a name, for example test-name.spec.js. Be sure to use the .spec.js to indicate that the file contains tests.

Once you've created your test file, you can start writing tests with Cypress.

Test writing syntax with Cypress

Cypress uses simple, expressive syntax to write tests. Here's an example of a basic Cypress test:

describe('Test name', () => {
  it('Test description', () => {
    // Actions to be performed by Cypress to execute the test
    // Assertions to verify test results

In this example, describe is used to define a test suite and it is used to define an individual test.

Within each test, you can use Cypress commands to simulate user actions such as clicking on buttons, entering text in form fields, clicking on a button, and so on. navigation between pages, etc.

Test execution

Once you've written your tests, you can run them using the Cypress interface.

  1. In your project, open a terminal or command line window.
  2. Access your Cypress project directory using the command cd project-name.
  3. Run Cypress using the command npx cypress open.
  4. In the Cypress interface, you'll see a list of all your test files. Click on the name of a test file to run it.
  5. Cypress will open a new browser window and run your test. You'll be able to see every stage of the test in real time in the Cypress interface.

After running the test, Cypress will display the test results along with screenshots and test logs, if available.

Cypress features

Cypress offers many powerful features to help you write and run end-to-end tests efficiently and reliably. Here are some of Cypress's most useful features.

Simulation of user actions

With Cypress, you can easily simulate user actions such as clicking buttons, entering text in form fields, navigating between pages and so on. This feature allows you to mimic the behavior of real users when using your application.

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Assertions and verifications

Cypress offers a wide range of assertions and checks to help you verify the results of your tests. You can use these assertions to ensure that your application behaves as expected and that the expected results are correct.

Parallel tests

With Cypress, you can run tests in parallel to save time and speed up the testing process. This is particularly useful when you have a large number of tests to run, or when you want to run tests on several browsers at the same time.

Test filtering

Cypress offers the option of filtering tests by name or tag. This allows you to run only certain tests during development or when running specific tests.

Waiting times and delays

With Cypress, you can easily manage waiting times and delays in your tests. This allows you to ensure that your application has sufficient time to respond to user actions before checking the results.

DOM control

Cypress makes it easy to control your application's DOM (Document Object Model) during testing. You can manipulate DOM elements, modifying their content, attributes and so on.

Visual regression tests

Cypress offers advanced features for visual regression testing. You can capture screenshots of your application at different times and compare them to detect undesirable visual changes.

Performance tests

With Cypress, you can also perform performance to evaluate performances of your application. You can measure and analyze page load times, server response times and more.

Customize test reports

Cypress offers the possibility of customizing test reports by adding personalized reports and formats. This allows you to visualize and analyze your test results in the way that suits you best.

Add customized reports and formats

To add custom reports to Cypress, you can use external libraries such as Mochawesome or Cucumber.js libraries. These libraries let you generate elegant, interactive HTML reports from your test results.

Integration with reporting tools

Cypress can also be integrated with report generation tools such as Jenkins or CircleCI. This automates the report generation process and makes them accessible to the entire development team.

Continuous integration with Cypress

Continuous integration is an essential aspect of the software development process. Cypress can be easily integrated into continuous integration systems to run automatic tests at each code validation.

Configuring Cypress in continuous integration systems

To configure Cypress in a continuous integration system, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure you have installed and configured Cypress locally on your development machine.
  2. Configure your continuous integration system to run Cypress test commands. For example, you can use the command npm run test in your test scripts.
  3. Set the environment variables and configuration options required for your tests. For example, you can specify your application's base URL, API keys and so on.

Once you've set up your continuous integration system, it will be automatically triggered every time you validate code and run your Cypress tests.

Adapting test pipelines

Integrating Cypress into existing test pipelines is generally straightforward, requiring only minor modifications. You can add Cypress test steps to your existing pipeline to run automated tests at every stage of the development process.

Using Cypress in development environments

Cypress can also be used in development environments to facilitate manual testing and rapid problem identification. You can run Cypress tests locally on your development machine to quickly validate new features or bug fixes.

Data management in tests

Data management is an important aspect of end-to-end testing. Cypress offers several features to help you manage data efficiently in your tests.

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Creating test data

Cypress makes it easy to create test data for your tests. You can use Cypress commands such as cy.request to send HTTP requests and create data directly in your application using the API.

API mocking

With Cypress, you can also mock APIs to simulate specific behaviors in your tests. This lets you test different situations without having to depend on a real server.

Using fixtures

Cypress also supports the use of fixtures to import test data from JSON, CSV and other files. You can use fixtures to create reusable datasets and facilitate test management.

Strategies for more reliable testing

To guarantee reliable end-to-end testing, you can use some of the strategies recommended by Cypress.

Use of dynamic data

We recommend using dynamic data in your tests to avoid dependencies and side effects. You can generate random data or use calculated values for your tests to guarantee their independence and reliability.

Application status management

Application state management is an important aspect of end-to-end testing. Make sure you clean up and reset your application state before each test to ensure consistent results.

Pre-test cleaning and status reset

Cypress offers features for cleaning and resetting the state of your application before each test. You can use Cypress commands to perform tasks such as deleting data, logging users off, etc.

Debugging Cypress tests

Despite your best efforts to write robust tests, sometimes something just doesn't work as expected. Cypress offers several built-in debugging tools to help you identify and resolve problems quickly.

Using integrated debugging tools

Cypress offers an integrated debugging interface that lets you inspect the DOM, variables, application states and more. You can use this interface to set breakpoints, display variable values, execute code and more. JavaScript live, etc.

Save screenshots

Cypress also lets you record screenshots at specific moments during your tests. You can use this feature to capture the state of your application when an error occurs, or to save screenshots for later analysis.

Displaying test logs

Cypress also records your test logs, which can help you understand the steps Cypress performs and identify possible problems. You can view test logs in the Cypress interface or export them to a file for further analysis.

Best practices for efficient end-to-end testing

To guarantee effective end-to-end testing, we recommend you follow certain best practices when writing and executing tests with Cypress.

Test structure

It's important to structure your tests in a clear and organized way. You can use test suites and individual tests to group and organize your tests according to their functionality or scenario.

File organization

It is also advisable to organize your test files in a logical and coherent way. You can create directories for different functionalities or components of your application and place your test files in these directories.

Using variables and constants

Using variables and constants can make your tests more flexible and easier to maintain. You can define variables for frequently used DOM elements, configuration values and so on. This makes tests easier to maintain and update.

Test comments and documentation

It is advisable to add comments and document your tests to facilitate understanding and subsequent maintenance. You can add comments to explain the purpose of the test, describe the steps performed and the expected results, etc.