
6 new technology trends for 2022

What new technologies in 2022 will stand out from the crowd?

New technologies evolve rapidly every year.

We present you with 6 new technology trends for 2022 to take into account so that you're always at the cutting edge of innovation.

1- Blockchain Technology

The technology Blockchain enables participants to carry out transactions over the Internet without interference from a third party. This technology has the potential to revolutionize various business sectors by reducing the risk of cybercrime. Blockchain technology enables web developers to use open source systems for their projects, facilitating the development process.

The benefits:

  • Blockchain works on consensus algorithms, which makes it almost impossible to break.
  • Data is stored on a network, making it easily accessible to users.
  • The blockchain system is decentralized and therefore less prone to errors.
  • Data can be transferred across the network without the need for intermediaries.

2- Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT can be defined as a network of compatible devices on the Internet, where data transfer requires no human involvement. It is one of today's most promising trends in web development. It is predicted that there will be around 30 billion Internet-enabled devices in operation by 2025.
IoT technology enables a wide range of applications, such as cameras, sensors, signaling equipment, connected cars, etc., to solve today's problems more effectively.

The benefits:

  • IOT delivers accurate results with no delays or errors in data transfer.
  • Supports powerful security technologies to protect corporate and user data.
  • Help developers acquire more information, analyze customer behavior and improve the overall user experience.

3- Voice Search Optimization

Voice search optimization can be simply defined as the process of optimizing web pages to appear in voice search. Devices that use voice recognition are gaining in popularity, thanks to voice assistants and the Iot. The technology has evolved so much that soon devices will be able to recognize the voices of different people and provide a personalized AI-based experience.
According to estimates, there will be 8 billion digital voice assistants by 2023 (Alexa, Googleetc.). This massive growth will have an impact on how voice search optimization becomes an inevitable part of the list of latest web development technologies.

The benefits:

  • Makes local SEO campaigns more effective.
  • Can respond quickly to customer requests.
  • Build trust and loyalty with personalized search.
Read also  What's a chatbot?

4- Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience of a three-dimensional image or environment, created using a computer. Virtual reality adoption will grow in 2022, and we can expect to see more of this technology used in web development.
Another VR application is virtual meetings, which would enhance remote working.
Virtual reality is used on websites to help users visualize the products they are about to buy.
VR devices like Oculus Rift are set to revolutionize industries such as tourism, architecture and retail. It's all about creating a better user experience, and VR is becoming one of the most important trends in web development.

5- Automation Testing

Automation testing can be defined as the execution of software tests with little or no human interaction to achieve greater efficiency. Testing is an essential part of web development, particularly for guaranteeing product quality before delivery.
Automating development steps enables developers to carry out complex projects with a small team. Similarly, test automation helps them to verify that the product is ready for deployment, with greater coverage and operability.

Test automation can help the development team collect and learn from test cases, and reduce development time and costs (by up to 20 %).

The benefits:

  • Code reusability - so code can be reused when needed.
  • Automation tests can be carried out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without anyone watching.
  • Software testers can concentrate on more complex things.

6- AI-Powered Chatbots

An AI-Powered chatbot is a more intelligent version of the chatbots. The technology uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to better understand user intent and deliver a human-like experience. AI-based bots have advanced features such as 24×7 problem-solving and behavioral capabilities. According to experts, self-learning bots are the future, and companies can cut costs by replacing their technical support or customer care managers.
Chatbots can answer FAQs, connect users with the right human assistant and even take an order. Chatbots generally provide fast responses in emergencies and are quick to resolve complaints.

Read also  Develop your m-commerce application

The benefits:

  • Simplify development by replacing certain elements of the faq, support and hotline websites...
  • Delivering an exceptional user experience.
  • Develop fewer applications, as chatbots can be integrated into messaging applications, etc...

These trends in 2022 will change the way companies communicate with their customers. We offer web and mobile development services at the cutting edge of new technologies, and our expert web and mobile development teams are constantly keeping abreast of trends to offer the best technologies for web and mobile development. If you'd like to find out more from our web experts, contact us.

Find out more with our articles on our blog on new technologies


6 new technology trends for 2022
6 new technology trends for 2022