
Testing with Cucumber

Find out how test your software features simply and efficiently with Cucumber. Explore its features and improve your testing processes.

Have you ever wished you could test your software features easily and efficiently? Fortunately, with Cucumber, you can. Cucumber is a tool that lets you create test scenarios in real time. natural language and run them with ease. In this article, we'll explore Cucumber's various features and how it can improve your testing processes. Whether you're an experienced developer or a novice tester, you're sure to find Cucumber useful for ensuring the quality of your software.

Testing with Cucumber

Functionality definition

When using Cucumber to test the functionality of an application, the first step is to define each of these functionalities. This involves describing the various actions that users can perform in the application, as well as the results that are expected.

Features are often written using a markup language called Gherkin, which enables test scenarios to be described in a clear and comprehensible way for all team members. Each feature should begin with the keyword "Feature", followed by a brief description of the feature.

For example, if you're testing a login form, your functionality might start with:

## Feature: Login form
  As a user
  I would like to log in to my account
  In order to access features reserved for logged-in users

This step is essential to ensure that all the application's functionalities are taken into account during testing.

Writing test scenarios

Once the functionalities have been defined, it's time to write the test scenarios. Scenarios represent different use cases of the application, and ensure that all functionalities are exhaustively tested.

Scenarios are written using the Gherkin language, and are made up of three main parts: Given, When and Then. Each part describes a specific stage in the scenario.


The Given part describes the context in which the test will be run. It can include application states, test data, or even the parameters required for test execution. This part is crucial in ensuring that the test is run under stable, reproducible conditions.


The When section describes the action or scenario you wish to test. It can be a user action, a data input, or a triggering event in the application. This part allows you to simulate the user's interaction with the application and check that it reacts correctly.

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The Then part describes the expected result of the scenario. This may be a response from the application, a change of state, or a specific error message. This part is used to validate that the application is working as expected, and to detect any problems or malfunctions.

Using Given, When and Then steps

The Given, When and Then steps are the building blocks of each test scenario. They help to organize and structure the test in a clear and comprehensible way.

The Given step defines the test context, specifying the application states or data required to run the test. For example, you can specify

Given that I'm on the login page

Step When allows you to describe the action or scenario you wish to test. For example, you can use this step to describe the action or scenario you wish to test:

When I enter my login and password

The Then step describes the expected result of the scenario. For example, the

Then I'm redirected to the home page

By using these steps consistently and logically, you can write test scenarios that are clear and easy to understand for all team members.

Test data management

When running tests with Cucumber, it's important to have real or simulated test data to validate the various functionalities of your application. This enables you to check that the application works correctly in different situations and with different types of data.

Cucumber offers a range of options for managing test data. You can use static data, database data or randomly generated data. You can also use CSV or JSON files to store your test data and inject it into your scenarios.

Proper management and organization of your test data is essential to ensure reproducibility and avoid data errors that could skew results.

Test setup

Once your test scenarios are written and your test data ready, you can proceed with test setup. Test setup allows you to specify the various configurations or environment variables required to run your tests.

For example, you can use parameters to specify the application URL, login credentials or display preferences. This allows you to tailor your tests to the specific needs of your application or test environment.

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Cucumber offers various options for setting up your tests, including the use of configuration or environment variables. It is important to document your parameters to facilitate maintenance and understanding of your tests.

Test execution

Once your test scenarios are written, your test data ready, and your tests parameterized, you can proceed with test execution.

Cucumber offers different options for running your tests, depending on your specific needs. You can run your tests directly from the command line, using configuration files or environment variables. You can also integrate Cucumber with tools to automate test execution.

During test execution, Cucumber will read the various test scenarios, interpret them, and display the results in the form of clear, comprehensible reports. These reports enable you to monitor the progress and results of your tests, and detect any problems or malfunctions.

Integration with other tools

Cucumber can be integrated with other development and testing tools to facilitate the collaboration and test automation.

For example, you can integrate Cucumber with management versioning tools like Git to track changes to your test cases. You can also use build tools such as Maven or Gradle to automate test execution at different stages of your CI/CD pipeline.

By integrating Cucumber with other tools, you can optimize your development and testing process, and guarantee better application quality.


In this article, we've explored the different features offered by Cucumber for testing an application's functionality. We saw how to define features and write test cases, how to use Given, When and Then steps to structure tests, and how to manage test data and parameterize tests.

We also discussed test execution with Cucumber, and the integration of this tool with other development and testing tools.

By using Cucumber effectively, you can improve the quality of your tests and ensure that your application runs smoothly. Feel free to explore Cucumber's features further and adapt them to your specific needs.