
iPhone application iAbsinthe Absinthe cocktails by Versinthe

Versinthe cocktails
on your iPhone
To discover the many cocktails that can be made with VERSINTHE, we've developed an application available on the Internet and iPhone, via APPLESTORE.

It will be easy and fun for you to discover fabulous cocktails developed with Versinthe by mixologists, or suggestions that you can submit to us and which we will put online after validation by our expert.

For even more fun, once you're in our application, "shake" your I-phone and it will randomly suggest a cocktail from the list you've selected: a great way to make your day even more fun.
original, friendly and totally revolutionary way to choose and make a cocktail at home that will amaze your friends.

Some avant-garde bars also offer this festive way of ordering a cocktail, which is full of surprises and allows you to invite pretty girls by email to share in the fun.
cocktail with you! It's up to you to convince the bars that don't offer it yet!

You'll discover them on a small binder inserted in their card, or thanks to a "VERSINTHE SHAKE YOUR ABSINTHE" sign. The cocktail recipe and photo will be displayed on your screen, along with a price symbolized by absinthe spoons:

simple cocktail
very elaborate

These spoons are listed on the bar's "Cocktail list" under the heading "VERSINTHE SHAKE YOUR ABSINTHE", with the price for each cocktail category opposite.

That's how you can make ordering drinks a lot more creative, offbeat and full of surprises.

So go ahead, get crazy and let your IPhone choose for you!

Category: Lifestyle
Update : Apr 05, 2010
Current version : 1.3 (Tested for iOS 4.0)
Size : 1.1 Mb
Language : English


iAbsinthe iPhone app Absinthe cocktails by VersintheiAbsinthe iPhone app Absinthe cocktails by Versinthe
iAbsinthe iPhone app Absinthe cocktails by VersintheiAbsinthe iPhone app Absinthe cocktails by Versinthe

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